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Annotated Bibliography..


“What Is Nursing & What Do Nurses Do?: ANA Enterprise.” ANA,

This article explains what nursing is defined as within the 21st century. This article begins by explaining what it is to be a nurse. As we know the job of a nurse is to care for their patients. This article gives a broad definition of what nursing is. The article is broken down into small sections the different types of nursing and the different jobs of different nurses. This relates to my research topic by giving understanding of different jobs within the nursing community. This resource differs from other resources because it opens up the idea of explaining how the nursing community it a very broad community. The weakness of this resource is very slim information, this website didn’t provide much information and the article is very short.

2. Care, Stanford Health. “Stanford Nurses: What It Means To Be A Nurse.” YouTube, YouTube, 7 May 2012,

This source is a video on Youtube. In this video different nurses talk about their reason for becoming a nurse. From this video I gained knowledge on the different backgrounds that nurses come from. Each nurse talked about their whys and what influenced them to become nurses. There were nurses of different races which explains my main topic of the different types of races and genders within the nursing community. The main purpose of this video is for nurses to explain what being a nurse is to them. This video gives an in depth look at what nurses actually feel about their jobs as being a nurse. Knowing different back grounds from different nurses gave me insight on the purpose nurses have, to help others.

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3. Younas, Ahtisham. “Lesbian‐, Gay‐, Bisexual‐ and Transgender‐Related Inequalities within Nursing: A Neglected Research Area - Younas - 2019 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - Wiley Online Library.” Journal of Advanced Nursing, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (10.1111), 21 Apr. 2019,

I found this article using resources provided on the FSU library site. This article actually gave me a new topic to introduce in my paper. The topic of the essay relates a lot to what I wanted to focus on in my research paper. I planned to focus on gender inequality between just men and women, but after reading this article I got an idea to introduce inequality that gays and those of the LGBT community face while working within the nursing community. The best thing about this article is that it crosses different communities both nursing and the LGBT community.

4. Bennett, Carole, et al. “Exploring Race in Nursing: Teaching Nursing Students about Racial Inequality Using the Historical Lens.” Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, vol. 24, no. 2, May 2019, p. N.PAG. EBSCOhost, doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol24No02PPT20.

This resource is mainly to show the race inequality within the nursing community has become a subject that nurses should focus on. This article presents information on the history of race inequality that has for a long time existed in the nursing area. Not only does it present history of racial inequality within nursing, but it presents racial court cases and major issues that has taken place in the U.S. What I find most interesting about this resource is that it gives opinions from students about their feelings towards racial inequality. This helped me understand how other actually feel about the in equalities nurses experience. This resource also provides a sample of a survey conducted and gives an analysis on the opinions that students have on this issue.

5. Walani, Salimah R. “Global Migration of Internationally Educated Nurses: Experiences of Employment Discrimination.” International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, vol. 3, Jan. 2015, pp. 65–70. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.ijans.2015.08.004.

The purpose of this article is to introduce the inequality that nurses experience. This article focuses on immigrant nurses. This article is beneficial to my essay because it introduced a new set of people to talk about in my essay. Those from outside countries come into the U.S for better jobs, careers and for that reason they are discriminated against. This article also provides statistics on the number of nurses here in the U.S while also explaining how the rate of U.S citizens that are nurses is declining. The weakness of this article is that it gives off this message that even though discrimination isn’t right we Americans need these immigrants. One way to prevent to contradict this message writers could have presented ways to influence U.S citizens to get more involved in the nursing field.

6. Matusitz, Jonathan1,, and Jennifer1 Spear. “Doctor-Patient Communication Styles: A Comparison Between the United States and Three Asian Countries.” Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, vol. 25, no. 8, Nov. 2015, pp. 871–884. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/10911359.2015.1035148.

The purpose of this article is to compare the communication skills of Nurses in the United States and three other countries, Pakistan, Japan, and Thailand. Not only does it compares the countries, but it uses different cultures to compare the skills of the nurses in each country. This article describes the text I’ll be focusing on in my paper, communication. The strongest thing about this article is that it is broken down into sections by countries and describes each way the nurses in that country communicates with one another. Towards the end of the article the author provides ways that nurses in the United States could improve their communication skills.

7. “Development of a Nursing Communication Education Support System Using Nurse-Patient Embodied Avatars with a Smile and Eyeball Movement Model.” 2014 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, System Integration (SII), 2014 IEEE/SICE International Symposium On, 2014, p. 175. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1109/SII.2014.7028033.

This article is to describe a communication system that nurses are using to make patients feel more comfortable. This shows the improvement nurses are heading towards. One way that is used in this article is the use of avatars. The introduction of this article explains the issues of communication and then explain ways they are trying to fix them. That is important because knowing the issue first help readers under the purpose of the article. This article is important because it gave me a lot of details. The best part about this article is that it gives a description of an experiment that was used to explain why communication is such an important concept within nursing and how it can improve the community. One weakness about this article is that it doesn’t explain what exactly is the issue which communication just ways to make it better.

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