For the summer of 2019 I had the privilege to have Mat Wenzel as my professor. For the most part I actually enjoyed this class. It wasn’t hard and the assignment were pretty straight forward as long as you understand the concept need for each assignment. The purpose of this essay is to reflect on this class as a whole.
The first week of class we had to read these different articles and record ourselves on sound cloud basically explaining what we learned from the readings and the next day we listened to our classmates recording. To me this was kind of weird because I’m a shy person so knowing that someone is listening to me talk was kind of shaky. As we continued these assignments my thoughts got deeper, and my recording got better.
The first actual concepts we learned in this class was genre and text. We learned these concepts from the reading different section from the book required for the class. Understanding Text and genre was kind of a struggle for me, but through different activities I began to understand each. I actually enjoyed the way we started class using the note cards because each card related to an assignment we were working on it kind of freshened up our memories.
We were responsible for creating a wix website that we posted all of our work on. I found this very beneficial because I can go back and look at previous assignments. The concept of the entire website is a good idea for a class. To me it helped me keep track of all my work and what I needed to complete. I’ve never had a class where I had to basically share my work with the world, but I actually like the idea because knowing that someone or anyone can view my work makes me work harder on an assignment.
For this class we had 3 projects, a personal narrative, research paper, and a campaign.
Reflection on personal narrative
Writing a personal narrative it just as it sounds. Writing about something “personal” or something that has happened in your personal life is what writing a personal narrative consists of. To me this assignment sounded so simple, I thought it would be no problem writing about my own life because if I know nothing, I know me. For me it didn’t go that way and as I reflect on the time spent on this essay, I understand every mistake I made. I actually typed two different essays because my first one wasn’t exactly a personal narrative or about a specific event. Though I did write about events in my life I didn’t exactly tell a story. After having a one on one with Mat about the assignment and my paper in particular I realized where I had gone wrong. When I sat down to actually think about a time that I felt special I knew the day of my high school graduation would be a great story to tell. I knew the excitement I felt on that day would only make get excited while writing. When I got to sit and type my essay it honestly brought back so many memories and feelings and I am actually glad that this was an assignment. Not only did it bring memories but focus to certain events that I rarely noticed took place that day. As I reflect on this assignment, I realize how not only did it benefit me grade wise, but it helped me appreciate that specific event more.
Reflection on project 2
Project was maybe the most difficult project for me. For this project we had to find a community we wanted to be a part of and create a 3,000 word research paper. Mat kind of made it easy because he broke this project down into many smaller pieces to combine them all into one at the end. This helped me a lot because I was able to use the information I gathered for each small assignment and talked about the information in my paper. Before I met with Mat about question for this assignment I was actually confused but in the end my paper came out pretty good.
Project 3
This project was actually the easiest because it fed off of project two. We basically had to broadcast the community we wanted to join. For me I created an Instagram page and posted different things related to the community I want to join. I made post on different social media accounts to get people to follow this account. It actually was the easiest
Overall this was a great class and as I reflect on my time spent I realize how beneficial this class was to me. It helped me improve my writing.